Why this talk?

It is a clear eyed translation of the DOE's "script" from a parent's point of view. I know how to explain this many layered onion of choices with straight talk and a minimum of crying. I will empower you with knowledge and help you understand how to make a good list.

  • I describe the process clearly and with insight to take you past the boilerplate.
  • How to work smarter rather than harder.
  • Why does the DoE have two websites and how do you use them most effectively?
  • What if I am coming from an independent, parochial or charter school?
  • What if my student has an IEP?
  • How can I possibly go through the list of 700 programs?
  • Is it a lottery or do grades really matter? What if we don’t have grades or test scores in 7th or 8th grade?

This talk is the place to start.

You will have 48 hour access from checkout to this 1.5 hour talk. Plus 6 documents with information and extensive links to take you to the next steps.

  • Watch it at 3am with a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
  • Watch it twice at 2x speed.
  • Ask your spouse if they know what "Ed Opt" means, and when they don't know forward to 58:08.
  • Is your kid anxious? It may be easier if I talk them down.
  • Be the serene, quietly confident one in your group.

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